5 Stars
In a 5-star rating system, people seem to think 5 stars = 100%. But since you cannot leave 0 stars, the star-to-score relation is actually like this: 1 star = 0 - 20% 2 stars = 20 - 40% 3 stars = 40 - 60% 4 stars = 60 - 80% 5 stars = 80 -…
The SwiftUI Happy Path
I think I've figured it out. If you want to use SwiftUI and be happy, you should avoid things like NavigationView, List, Form, .searchable, .toolbar, etc. Just use the most basic Text and Button and only layout using HStack and VStack. The thing is,…
How to Sync
There are many articles on the internet that talk about how to design a sync engine or the steps of sync algorithms, but not much about the actual implementations. This is a simplified version of how Gibberish's sync system works. I'm posting it here so I…
The Story of the Frog
Once upon a time, in a lush green meadow, lived a little frog and his two bird friends. One day, the frog wanted to see the world beyond the meadow, but he couldn't fly like his bird friends. So, he thought of a clever plan. The birds would carry a stick…